b'MessageMessage From Your NFHR Executive CommitteeDear Membership,First and foremost, your BOD would like to thank you for your continued support of the NFHR.The registry has received many comments over the past years regarding the financial stability of the NFHR as well as the question of what is the BOD going to do about it, without much happening to assist in the matter.It was recently commented that it is the BODs responsibility to ensure the financial stability of the NFHR and that the horses will take care of themselves. That is a true statement.In order to answer the question, "how we are going to ensure the financial stability of the NFHR?" the BOD and the Finance committee sat down for a number of meetings to try to dig deep and figure out a solution to this very question.Our answer, without raising your membership dues exponentially or removing the Herald entirely, was to redesign the production of the Herald.This is not a decision that was made lightly, but one made of necessity.Our beautiful magazine will still be produced, but will be made available to all in a digital format on our website.We are also giving each member the opportunity to purchase a print subscription, separate from their membership dues, that will enable you to still receive your beautiful Herald in your mailbox as it has always been.The short answer is that the printing of the Herald needs to be self-sufficient with its own subscription fees or the printing and mailing of the Herald would run the coffers dry.We would like to encourage the membership to support the Herald and purchase a subscription.The NFHR needs and appreciates the continued support of each of its valued members.We would love to hear your ideas on how to support the NFHR.Please send your thoughts to jeanne@NFHR.com. In order for our registry to succeed, it takes far more than just the support and direction from the BOD. It takes the whole of our membership, working together towards the common goal of long-term sustainability.We need your support, your ideas, and your understanding.08 Fjord Herald Issue #147Summer 2023'