b'ATTACHMENT 1NFHRBoardofDirectors(BOD)CommunicationGuideline1. When members send in a request, the entire board should be sent the request (if the member did not copy all BOD members). An email response that we have received the email and shall be discussed at the next meeting shall be sent out immediately.2. After discussing as a whole board, the President, or a board appointed delegate, will respond and send the board-decided response, or the next steps, to the member, and the Board will be copied on the response.3.If required, the President, or a board appointed delegate may make a phone call for clarification or additional information. The call shall be summarized for the Board, with a copy to the member to ensure the discussion was appropriately represented in the summary, and then further action of the Board can occur at a subsequent meeting. 4.Individual board members shall not claim to be able to make decisions for the board.5. Individual board members shall not discuss any board business, unless otherwise authorized by the BOD, with non board members other than what is presented to the membership through minutes, the NFHR website, NFHR approved social media, mail, the Herald or any other board approved source.6.a)Internal email communications among board members are considered confidential and stamped as such using an email signature. For Addressee Only.b)External communications from the board should be directed to the recipient and stamped For Addressee Only unless otherwise authorized by the BOD.36 Fjord Herald Issue #147Summer 2023'